Focused on building power for structural equality for low-income and no-income Black Minnesotans


Leadership development, political education, and trusting the leadership of Black workers and the Black community


Housing and supporting the ongoing work of reimagining community safety

One City One Future: A New Deal For Minneapolis

One city, one future means that we are all affected by the disparities in Black, Brown, and indigenous communities from jobs, housing, education, and community safety and wellness, our stories, our liberation, and our futures are tied together and this is a campaign that seeks to win tangible gains for our neighborhoods through multi-racial coalition-based organizing to fund the things we need through a racial justice and equity-based funding initiative/budget fight.

njp road abolition

Road To Abolition

The New Justice Project runs a campaign focused on deep-canvassing, political education, and community healing. The aim of the program is to build a base of everyday Black Minnesotans committed to organizing around community safety, pushing for decreases in public safety budgets at the city, county, and state level, and organizing their community to win the gains they see necessary to build thriving communities.

njp climate justice

Climate Justice

The world is changing, our forests are burning, sea levels are rising and our cities are increasingly becoming over-burdened with unbearable heat waves. Climate change is here and Black folks need to be at the forefront of both the movement to create more sustainable solutions to protect our planet but also to address racialized wealth disparities via create entryways into the green economy.

njp housing

Housing for All

Housing is a fundamental human need and human right. However, any hope that housing can be a profit-making commodity and still meet human needs has been exposed as a fantasy by COVID-19. One-third of the nation’s households—30 to 40 million—were estimated to be at risk of eviction during the crisis.

njp social housing

Social Housing

NJP is committed to winning state funding at the Minnesota Legislature to secure the creation of state and county-owned housing where people regardless of income, criminal history can live. This is a push towards eliminating the issues of greedy developers and slum-lords and putting the onus of public housing on elected officials and state-run bodies.

njp rights counsel

Right To Counsel

New Justice Project will work with the Minneapolis City Council and the Mayor's office to pass an ordinance that will establish a goal of ensuring that all low-income tenants facing eviction have an attorney provided to them.

njp tenant unions

Tenant Unions

The New Justice Project seeks the opportunity to give tenants the power and the opportunity to organize a city-wide or neighborhood-based tenants union that gives renters the ability to negotiate with landlords around rises in rent as grievances at the city and state level around repairs and improvements.